Finance and business Policies and Procedures

Policy 04:01:00

Grant Proposals and Management


To establish parameters for funding proposals to outside agencies and responsibility for internal review and approval.

Revision Responsibility: President

Responsible Executive Office: President

Created: August 3, 2009, Revised: January 17, 2011 to reflect revised organizational chart


I. Only proposals for the funding of activities consistent with the mission and goals of the college will be submitted to outside agencies.

II. Any college employee may initiate action to prepare a proposal for funding from an outside agency but must do so through appropriate campus procedures.

III. No proposal may be submitted to an outside agency without written approval by the president.

IV. Responsibility for coordination of grant proposal development and management rests with the President or his/her designee.


I. Proposal Preparation and Submission

Any employee planning to initiate a proposal must receive written approval from the President in order to:

A. establish parameters for funding proposals to outside agencies and responsibility for internal review and approval.

B. review of salaries and benefits, indirect costs, accuracy of computations and financial obligations to be incurred by the college as a result of the grant.

C. review for consistency with college mission, goals and priorities and appropriateness.

II. Grant Implementation and Management

A. If the proposal is funded, any negotiations with the granting agency will be conducted by the author and the individual named to direct the grant , if different.

B. The President will oversee the negotiations and will give final approval.