student policies and procedures
Policy 03:20:00
Course Repeats, Drops, and Withdrawals
To define the College's process for course repeats, drops, and withdrawals
Revision Responsibility: College Registrar
Responsible Executive Office: President
Revised from Catalog into formal policy on June 16, 2015; Revised under Course Withdrawal to change the period of time a student may withdrawal from a class until 5 pm MST on or before Wednesday of the 11th week on July 12, 2018, Revised May 17, 2019 for implementation in September 16, 2019. Changes include removal of "WF" "WP" "WA", the time frame when classes may be added or dropped has been revised, and the course withdrawal time period has been updated, September 16, 2019 to reflect policy revision from week 8 to week 10 for withdrawals, September 16, 2019 policy revision to week 10 of the quarter instead of week 8 as originally proposed.
Course Repeat:
Students are permitted to repeat courses in which their final grades are "C" or lower. The maximum number of enrollments in any one coursesin the program is two regardless of the reason for enrollment/re-enrollment (failure, withdraw, unofficial withdraw and LOA). If a student is required to take a course that is a prerequisite to other courses, that course must be successfully completed before advancing to other courses. The student will be charged the full tuition rate at the time the course is repeated. The original failing grade will be calculated into the studnet's cumulative GPA until the repeat has been completed. At that time, the previous failing grade will still be shown on the student's transcript, however an indication that the course was repeated will be noted. Furthermore, the old grade will then not be used to calculate the GPA, only the new grade will be used to calculate the GPA. Students must complete their academic program within 1.5 times the total program length in duration or credit hours.
Course Drop or Course Add:
A student may add or drop a course during the first week of each quarter by notifying the Registrar via Platt College email, in person, or in writing. By definition, the first week of a course concludes on Sunday at 11:59 PM MST. Once a student has officially notified the Registrar (in writing or in person) of his/her intent to either drop a course or add a course prior to the end of week one of the quarter, the Registrar will send official documentation to the student that must be completed and signed by the student in order to officially make a course change.
If a student drops a course during week one of the quarter, the course (1) does not appear on the student's transcript, (2) the student is not charged for the course, and (3) that enrollment in the course does not factor into the maximum number of enrollments being two in any one course in the program
Course Withdrawal:
After the first week of the quarter has elapsed, a student must withdraw from the course by notifying the Registrar via Platt College email, in person, or in writing. Once a student has notified the Registrar of his/her intent to withdraw from the a course, the Registrar will send official documentation to the studnet that must be completed and signed in order to withdraw from the course. A student's last opportunity to withdraw by email, in person, or in writing from a course by Sunday 11:59 PM MST of week 10 of the quarter. Regardless of when a student withdraws from a course after the course drop and add period, the student will be charged on the entirety of the course.
When a student withdraws from a course on or before the end of week 10 of the quarter, the grade of "W" is assigned. For more information regarding grades, please see Policy 02:06:00 Uniform Grading Policy.