Policy 02:06:00 Uniform Grading Policy

Revision Responsibility: Vice President of Academic Affairs

Responsible Executive Office: Vice President of Academic Affairs

Purpose: To establish responsibility for awarding grades and specify the grades that can be awarded.


I. Grading System

A. Reporting quality of student performance in any academic course is the responsibility of the faculty member. Each faculty member shall specify his/her grading process -- the basis for achieving specified letter grades for the course – and distribute and explain these bases in writing to each student at the beginning of the quarter.

B. The following grading system is used at Platt College. The Platt College cumulative GPA calculation is taken to three decimal places.

For general education (foundational liberal arts) and cognate (foundational sciences) classes, the course evaluation is based on the following grade scale:

A          90-100

B          80-89

C          70-79

D          60-69

F          59 and below

Cognate courses at Platt College are defined as courses offered in the science discipline. The purpose of cognate courses is to provide a student with more diverse perspectives in interdisciplinary fields.  Cognate classes at Platt College include:

  • BIOL 112, 206, 223, 224, 300 (these courses include labs)
  • CHEM 121 (this course includes lab)

For nursing classes (only classes with a NSG prefix), the course evaluation is based on the following grade scale:

A          90-100

B          80-89

C          75-79

D          68-74

F          67 or below

For clinical practicum experiences, the course evaluation is based on the following grade scale:

P          Pass

F          Fail

A grade of 75 or above must be achieved in every nursing course in order to progress in the nursing program.  Any course grade below 75 will not be rounded up.  Letter grades of “D” or “F” in any nursing or cognate courses will constitute a course failure and the student will be required to repeat the course in its entirety (didactic, laboratory, and clinical) to achieve a passing grade at his/her own expense.    

For additional information regarding course grades, please see the Platt College Catalog.   

Letter GradeRating DescriptionQuality Pts Per Credit
BAbove Average3.0
D*Minimally Acceptable1.0
W**Withdraw (only issued if the student withdrawals from the course on or before Sunday 11:59 PM MST during the 10th week of the quarter)0
TCTransfer Credit0
ESTransfer Credit Held in Escrow0

*Letter grades of “D” or “F” in any nursing or cognate courses will constitute a course failure.

**If a student is temporarily suspended from the program, regardless of the reason, s/he will receive a grade of  "W" in the courses s/he is currently enrolled regardless of week.

Revised: June 23, 2010, January 17, 2011 to reflect revised organizational chart, April 13, 2012 to reflect MyPlattCollege, June 13, 2016 change for "O" on legend for attendance entry to include other for holiday, school closures, etc. and change in time and date seniors' grades are due to registrar. Revised November 28, 2017 due to LMS change, May 10, 2019 (for a September 16, 2019 implementation date) to reflect removal of "I", "WA", "WP", "WF", "EC", and "AU" and the addition of "W" only if the student withdrawals from the course on or before Sunday 11:59 MST during the 10th week of the quarter and a grade of "W" for temporary suspension regardless of week.  

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